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Heroic Hospital President Helps Rescue Woman from Wreckage

October 25, 2019

As president of Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Dan McIntyre comes in contact with patients regularly.

But never like this.

On the morning of Oct. 22, McIntyre was on the way to work when he came upon a car crash on Route 44 in New Hartford. The heavily damaged vehicle had flipped on its side and there was a female driver trapped inside.

McIntyre, along with  a second unidentified good Samaritan, acted fast and pulled her out of the wreckage.

“He’s an angel,” said Trish Hill, who had just dropped off her daughter at pre-k before the crash, which she said occurred after a car veered into her lane, causing her to lose control of her vehicle.

McIntyre, who has been president of Charlotte for approximately 17 years, actually took a different route to work that morning, making the rescue even more miraculous. He said his healthcare career and life experiences have enabled him to be there for people when they need it, although this event was certainly out of the ordinary.

“I am so glad that she is going to be OK,” he said. “I told her that I hoped she would heal quickly and find peace.”

“I can’t thank them enough,” said Hill, who is banged up but otherwise ok. “Also a massive thank you to the EMT’s, firemen and police who came to the scene.”