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Low T: What it is and what you can do about it

October 01, 2019

It’s one of the many results of aging for men, affecting 2 to 4 million men, but when low testosterone begins to affect quality of life, it’s time to seek expert attention.

In a free talk entitled “The What, Why and How of Low Testosterone,” Hartford HealthCare endocrinologist Dr. Helen Anaedo will discuss what it means to have low testosterone and what can be done about it.

Symptoms of low testosterone can include:
• Low sex drive.
• Difficulty achieving and maintaining erection.
• Hair loss.
• Fatigue
• Memory loss.
• Physical changes to the body like increased body fat and decreased muscle and bone mass.
• Mood changes

In the talk, participants will learn about the causes and treatment options for low testosterone, followed by a question and answer session with the doctor. It is planned for Thursday, October 3, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at Hartford HealthCare Men’s Health, 10 Birdseye Road, Farmington.

While the talk is free, registration is required. Register by calling 855.HHC.HERE (1.855.442.4373).